Not For Sale
Engine : 429 SCJ built, waiting to replace anemic 400, L&L headers, exhaust, flowmaster, you know, all the stuff that goes together.....
Drivetrain : c6, dana 44 8 lug that is waiting to meet the hot wrench and get the 60 in place, disc brake 60 in the back, 205 case, currently 4.10's, but will be 5.13's soon, with a detroit in the back and a trac-lock or ARB in the front. The c6 will get worked over
Transmission : no info
VIN : no info
Comments (2)
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Reviewed by: Justin W 04/28/08 01:47PM
what size are those springs man i goota truck just like it with 8inch powerstroked springs on 38s
Reviewed by: William M 04/30/09 07:55AM
how did you do the shackle filp