Comments: I bought the truck with the hood already done. It was one of the reasons I bought it. I have a 1970 460 going in right now might even put new 6" leaves and up the tires to 42" or 44". the other thing I really need is some new steering, possibly a hysteer. If anyone has done it already let me know....
Comments (2)
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Reviewed by: Chris M 10/18/07 03:12PM
how hard was the hood?
Reviewed by: Paul S 05/06/08 03:17PM
I bought the truck with the hood already done. It was one of the reasons I bought it. I have a 1970 460 going in right now might even put new 6" leaves and up the tires to 42" or 44". the other thing I really need is some new steering, possibly a hysteer. If anyone has done it already let me know....