Comments: Hello my name is Billy I just bought a 89 fullsize bronco with 7in lift almost new 35 BFG
chrome winch bumper and chrome rear step bumper no body damage 15x12 ultra rims interior in good shape odometer reads 98k.
It was sitting on the back lot of local ford dealer the manager said it doesn't run its a wholeale unit to make a long story short I look it over discovery the reason why it would not start it was out of gas not telling the ford dealer I asked what I could buy it for when he informed me I have to have a dealers license to purchase it I told him my friend has a dealer license he said make me offer so I offeres $250.00 he countered $1000.00 so we neogociated for few minutes and I ended up paying $500.00 for it after I paid for it I added gas and drove it off the lot. I'm looking for a person to discuss future repairs and major modifications my phone number is (813)932-2815 I look forward to talking about Broncos with you. I will have digital pictures of it tomorrow
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Reviewed by: Billy F 09/24/08 05:46PM
Hello my name is Billy I just bought a 89 fullsize bronco with 7in lift almost new 35 BFG chrome winch bumper and chrome rear step bumper no body damage 15x12 ultra rims interior in good shape odometer reads 98k. It was sitting on the back lot of local ford dealer the manager said it doesn't run its a wholeale unit to make a long story short I look it over discovery the reason why it would not start it was out of gas not telling the ford dealer I asked what I could buy it for when he informed me I have to have a dealers license to purchase it I told him my friend has a dealer license he said make me offer so I offeres $250.00 he countered $1000.00 so we neogociated for few minutes and I ended up paying $500.00 for it after I paid for it I added gas and drove it off the lot. I'm looking for a person to discuss future repairs and major modifications my phone number is (813)932-2815 I look forward to talking about Broncos with you. I will have digital pictures of it tomorrow